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About Marie Parks

Bachelors in Nutritional Science from Cornell University Masters in Applied Nutrition from the University of New England PhD in Human Health and Performance from the Concordia University of Chicago (will complete in 2025)
29 04, 2021

All About Hyperimmune Egg Powder


You might have heard about IgY Max’s ability to rebalance the gut microbiome by ridding the intestines of dysbiotic pathogens. But how exactly does it do that? And how is it made? Let’s take a look. Quick recap: What is IgY Max? IgY Max® is a hyperimmune egg antibody supplement that targets 26 dysbiotic pathogens [...]

All About Hyperimmune Egg Powder2022-12-15T21:54:30+00:00
29 04, 2021

Supercharge Your COVID Routine


Pandemic. Socially Distant. Hydroxychloroquine. Unlike six months ago, these words appear daily – many of which we would’ve never thought we’d ever experience, or even understand. Not only has COVID-19 created an entire glossary of related terms, but it has also created a whole new way of life for most of the world. You’re [...]

Supercharge Your COVID Routine2021-06-14T20:19:47+00:00
29 04, 2021

Digestive health for dummies: 101 crash course on digestive health


Digestive Health and Gut Health has become the new “hot topic” for the media. We have all been hearing, reading, and learning about gut health in the last few years. But do you really understand the hype? Do you know how your digestive tract works and its implications? Do you know what a microbiome is? [...]

Digestive health for dummies: 101 crash course on digestive health2022-12-19T17:23:24+00:00
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