
29 04, 2021

Probiotics: More Than Just Yogurt


From kefir to kombucha, probiotics are all the rage these days. If you’re a gut health newbie, you might be asking yourself: which source of probiotics packs the most punch? And among never-ending aisles of fermented foods, where in the world should you start? Let’s take a look. Yogurt: A Classic Of all sources of [...]

Probiotics: More Than Just Yogurt2022-12-16T20:00:08+00:00
29 04, 2021

Is Your Stress Making You Sick?


If you’re reading this, you likely face some sort of stressor regularly – whether it’s work, finances, or kids, some level of stress is just part of modern life. Everyone experiences stress to some degree - but each body responds to it differently. Your body’s physical stress response can make or break your mental health. [...]

Is Your Stress Making You Sick?2022-12-16T21:39:03+00:00
29 04, 2021

All About Inflammation


You’ve likely heard of inflammation before - it seems to be on every health-food label these days. But what exactly is it, and why is it problematic? Let’s dive in. What is inflammation, and is it unhealthy? Inflammation is how the body responds to damage of some sort. Essentially, it’s the activation of your immune [...]

All About Inflammation2022-12-16T21:45:51+00:00
29 04, 2021

Immune Battles


Ever wonder what happens when we get sick? Of course, we all know some sort of germ invades our body and makes us feel like crap. But what exactly is going on underneath the skin? And what does it have to do with gut health? Let’s take a look. Immune Cells When an invader enters [...]

Immune Battles2023-10-03T11:08:02+00:00
29 04, 2021

IgY Max™ Specifically Immunized Egg for optimal GI Health


by Susan J Hewlings PhD, RD Recent research suggests that that the typical ‘Western’ diet consisting of a high fat, high sugar, low fiber intake, has altered the diversity of the human gut microbiome leading to dysbiosis (₁). Dysbiosis is defined as a shift in the microbiota composition resulting in an increase in the number [...]

IgY Max™ Specifically Immunized Egg for optimal GI Health2022-12-19T17:15:09+00:00
29 04, 2021

How to improve your gut health


From inflammation to mood swings, gut bacteria imbalances can impact our overall health in a myriad of ways. We learned that there are 2 main kinds of bacteria in our gut: Firmicutes, which are the bad kind, and Bacteroidetes, which are the good bacteria. The ultimate goal for a healthy gut is to have a [...]

How to improve your gut health2022-12-19T17:18:49+00:00
29 04, 2021

Digestive health for dummies: 101 crash course on digestive health


Digestive Health and Gut Health has become the new “hot topic” for the media. We have all been hearing, reading, and learning about gut health in the last few years. But do you really understand the hype? Do you know how your digestive tract works and its implications? Do you know what a microbiome is? [...]

Digestive health for dummies: 101 crash course on digestive health2022-12-19T17:23:24+00:00
29 04, 2021

Could your mind use a boost? Try getting in the groove!


Have you ever listened to a song that made you feel like you could conquer the world? What about a song that miraculously evokes old memories, bringing tears to your eyes? As we all know - music is pretty emotionally powerful. Understanding the science behind music and the brain can help you use it to [...]

Could your mind use a boost? Try getting in the groove!2022-12-19T17:27:20+00:00
29 04, 2021

Common Gut Terms and What They Mean


When it comes to gut health, there is a list of common terms you may see and hear and think “what does that mean?” In this post, we’re going to define some of those words so you can finally understand their meaning and how it affects you. Is there a word you want to know [...]

Common Gut Terms and What They Mean2022-12-19T17:32:52+00:00
29 04, 2021

A Healthy Gut = A Happy You!


When it comes to gut health, there is a list of common terms you may see and hear and think “what does that mean?” This article is a crash course in what you need to know about your gut and what can make (or not make) it healthy. Here are 5 important facts you need [...]

A Healthy Gut = A Happy You!2022-12-19T17:35:41+00:00
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