
29 04, 2021

A disruption in microbial diversity is inevitable with the use of antibiotics


There has been a lot of attention in the media about the overuse of antibiotics and the associated negative side effects. This is justified in that antibiotics affect the composition and the function of human gut microbiota, which appears as a loss of bacterial diversity and can sometimes lead to dysbiosis. These changes can be [...]

A disruption in microbial diversity is inevitable with the use of antibiotics2022-12-19T17:41:23+00:00
27 04, 2021

Why is Gut Health so important?


Gut Health has become the new “hot topic” for the media. We have all been hearing, reading, and learning about gut health in the last few years. But do you really understand the hype? Do you know how your digestive tract works and its implications? Do you know what a microbiome is? If you feel [...]

Why is Gut Health so important?2022-12-19T18:28:36+00:00
27 04, 2021

How to improve Gut Health


From inflammation to mood swings, an imbalance of gut bacteria can impact our long-term health in a myriad of ways. A high bacterial diversity is the key to a healthy and balanced gut. Here are 10 tips to improve gut health: 1. Be careful with antibiotics Antibiotics are sometimes a necessity, and you should use [...]

How to improve Gut Health2022-12-19T18:33:53+00:00
27 04, 2021

What are Prebiotics?


From kombucha to kefir, probiotics are all the rage these days. Food companies are finding ways to give us our boost of probiotics in nearly all types of foods - even candy! Here at IgY Nutrition, we love that people are looking to support their microbiomes with healthy gut bugs. But the spotlight on probiotics [...]

What are Prebiotics?2023-10-03T11:13:29+00:00
27 04, 2021

Six Foods to Eat for Optimal Gut Health


So - you’re looking to optimize your gut health through your diet. Look no further - we’ve got you covered. What Makes a Gut “Healthy?” Let’s quickly go over what a healthy microbiome would look and feel like – and what the microbiome is in the first place. The microbiome is an ecosystem of millions [...]

Six Foods to Eat for Optimal Gut Health2022-12-19T21:03:02+00:00
27 04, 2021

What is the link between your Gut and your Brain?


Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you are anxious? Or got stomach cramps from stress? Recent research has discovered that your digestive system and nervous system are intertwined. This connection is called the brain-gut axis, and it works both ways. What happens in your gut affects your brain, and vice-versa. The bacteria [...]

What is the link between your Gut and your Brain?2021-04-27T02:37:51+00:00
27 04, 2021

Why probiotics are useless (on their own)


The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that play an important role in regulating our digestive health. Those microbes are responsible for most of our digestive issues. While everyone has a mix of bacteria in their gut, when the number of beneficial microbes decreases in the intestinal tract and the number of non-beneficial microbes [...]

Why probiotics are useless (on their own)2022-12-20T16:10:17+00:00
26 04, 2021

Your gut flora impacts inflammation


We've all heard of inflammation, and research shows that it's a bad sign for your health. But what does it have to do with the microflora in your gut? It turns out that both are interconnected, and what impacts your microbiome is directly linked to inflammation as well. We reached out to Dr. Susan Hewlings, [...]

Your gut flora impacts inflammation2022-12-20T16:13:23+00:00
26 04, 2021

Myth #4: Probiotics are all you need to avoid microbiota imbalance


While probiotics and prebiotics can help improve and maintain a healthy gut balance, there are many other factors that can impact the microbiota. For example, environmental factors, including one's diet, play a huge role in shaping the composition of the intestinal microbiome. In fact, dietary changes can account for up to 57% of changes in [...]

Myth #4: Probiotics are all you need to avoid microbiota imbalance2022-12-20T16:30:11+00:00
26 04, 2021

Myth #5: You must detox to clean your gut.


The idea that you need to detox or cleanse to get rid of toxins in the body has become very popular and has created a big market for drinks, diets, fasts, supplements, and enemas. However, according to Natural Standard, an organization that analyzes and validates scientific data on integrative medicine, there is insufficient evidence to [...]

Myth #5: You must detox to clean your gut.2022-12-21T16:35:03+00:00
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