
18 12, 2023

Gut-Friendly Holiday Desserts


Holiday meals are meant to be enjoyed - why skip dessert? Don’t be afraid to indulge a little this year - even if you struggle with gut health. At IgY Nutrition, we’re all about balance. We put together some healthy-ish (emphasis on the “ish”) dessert recipes for the holidays just in case you’d like to [...]

Gut-Friendly Holiday Desserts2024-01-08T22:18:59+00:00
11 12, 2023

Is Caffeine Gut-Healthy? Caffeinated Drink Recipes


What’s the deal with gut health and caffeine? Like most things, there are pros and cons. Caffeinated drinks affect motility, contain anti-inflammatory polyphenols, and may affect the gut microbiome.  Let’s find out more about caffeine and the gut below. Stick around until the end for some gut-healthy caffeinated drink recipes.  Caffeine and Motility If you [...]

Is Caffeine Gut-Healthy? Caffeinated Drink Recipes2024-01-08T22:17:31+00:00
1 12, 2023

IgY Antibodies and Immunity


Why are some people prone to catching colds while others seem to have immune systems made of steel?  We can think about this by examining what happens to our bodies when we get sick. Of course, we all know that germs invade our bodies and cause sickness. But some people are better at fighting germs [...]

IgY Antibodies and Immunity2024-01-08T22:09:21+00:00
20 11, 2023

What Bloating Is and How to Avoid It


If you’ve got iffy gut health - dysbiosis, SIBO, hormone fluctuations, whatever the culprit is - you might have a love-hate relationship with holiday dinner spreads.  Glazed meats + stuffing + egg nog + pie should equal joy, not abdominal pain! The holidays are stressful enough as they are - we’re not here to police [...]

What Bloating Is and How to Avoid It2023-12-07T17:05:35+00:00
12 11, 2023

Could H. Pylori be Causing Your Brain Fog?


Did you forget where you put your keys for the third time this week? Do you struggle to focus, or feel “out of it,” despite having gotten enough sleep? These are both symptoms of brain fog.  You might have heard that the gut-brain axis or gut microbiome could be related to your cognitive health. But [...]

Could H. Pylori be Causing Your Brain Fog?2023-12-07T17:01:33+00:00
30 10, 2023

Five Health Benefits of Chocolate: Happy Halloween from IgY Nutrition!


Five Health Benefits of Chocolate: Happy Halloween from IgY Nutrition! As the weather starts to cool down, we all start to crave pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters, and of course - chocolate.  Chocolate is often seen as a sinful indulgence, but it turns out that this sweet treat may actually have some health benefits. Here [...]

Five Health Benefits of Chocolate: Happy Halloween from IgY Nutrition!2023-11-06T16:34:01+00:00
19 10, 2023

Alzheimer’s and the Gut: What We Know Part 2


What do you think the results of the following study are: Dr. Louise McCullogh and her team at UTHealth Houston looked at two groups of mice that they genetically engineered to eventually develop Alzheimer’s. The first group was pre-symptomatic, meaning the mice had not developed Alzheimer’s symptoms yet, and the second group was symptomatic already. [...]

Alzheimer’s and the Gut: What We Know Part 22023-11-06T16:31:21+00:00
9 10, 2023

Alzheimer’s and the Gut: What We Know Part 1


Take a guess at what the results of this study were: Dr. Louise McCullogh and her team at UTHealth Houston transplanted a young, healthy gut microbiome into old mice and an aged, less healthy gut microbiome into young mice. The researchers then caused both groups of mice to have strokes and observed how each group [...]

Alzheimer’s and the Gut: What We Know Part 12023-11-06T16:19:00+00:00
29 09, 2023

Recipes for Gut-Healthy Caffeine


Craving an energy boost but don’t want to compromise your gut health? We’ve got you covered. Keep reading for gut-healthy caffeine recipes. Lattés Matcha Green Tea Latté Ingredients: One tbsp matcha green tea powder One tbsp stevia 1 ½ cups milk of choice (we recommend coconut or oat milk) Directions: Use a latté spinner or [...]

Recipes for Gut-Healthy Caffeine2023-10-04T20:02:23+00:00
18 09, 2023

What is Inflammation, Really?


You’ve likely heard of inflammation before - but what exactly is it, and why is it problematic? Let’s dive in. What is inflammation, and is it unhealthy? Inflammation is how the body responds to damage of some sort. Essentially, it’s the activation of your immune system.  Scraped your knee? It will become red and “inflamed” [...]

What is Inflammation, Really?2023-10-04T20:00:31+00:00
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