Do you often suffer from indigestion, bloating, and stomach issues? If so, you’re not alone! Digestive health concerns are increasingly common in today’s society — regardless of your age or lifestyle. Luckily, here at IgY, we talk about ways to support your digestion and feel better fast. 

Today, we’re chatting about moringa. Rich in essential nutrients like fiber, protein, and antioxidants, moringa is gaining a reputation for its powerful effects on gut health — making it a fantastic dietary supplement for addressing gastrointestinal distress head-on. 

In this blog post, we will walk you through what moringa is all about—and how it could provide relief if you battle daily with digestion troubles.

What is Moringa?

Moringa is a tropical tree native to India and Africa that has been consumed for centuries due to its impressive nutritional composition. Most people drink it in powder form as tea or added to smoothies.

Moringa is packed with more than 90 essential nutrients, minerals, proteins, and vitamins that can be helpful to a person’s overall wellness and immunity. It may also have many other potential health benefits, like managing inflammation, fighting anemia, and promoting kidney health. 

As moringa remains one of the most nutritious superfoods on the market today, it is no surprise that it has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Let’s take a look at how moringa can promote gut health. 

Moringa for Gut Health

Moringa is considered a superfood, packed full of vitamins and minerals that help protect the body from disease. But two antioxidants found in moringa, sulforaphane and moringin, are particularly powerful. 

Sulforaphane has been shown to have anti-cancer properties, and moringin is associated with boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, and protecting DNA. If you are interested in learning more about moringa’s antioxidant properties, we highly recommend looking at the work of Dr. Jed Fahey. 

From combating chronic illnesses to better general health outcomes, moringa and its compounds like sulforaphane are an invaluable addition to anyone’s diet.

Moringa is quickly becoming a popular supplement for gut health. This superfood offers many advantages for digestion, as it contains anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for digestive problems. 

The antioxidants present in moringa may also lower the risk of developing illnesses related to the gastrointestinal system. Studies have shown that moringa can soothe symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, such as inflammation, cramping, and diarrhea. 

Various studies indicate moringa may play a role in balancing stomach acid levels, protecting the lining of the digestive organs, and helping to reduce inflammation in the GI tract – leading to enhanced gut health. 

Rich in dietary fiber and amino acids, moringa promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, which supports the digestion process and prevents the proliferation of pathogens. 

Moringa is an excellent plant-based source of nutrition that may help improve digestion-related symptoms such as constipation and bloating. With moringa’s growing reputation as a nutritional powerhouse, it is a no-brainer to include moringa in your diet if you’re working towards promoting optimal gut health. We recommend mixing it into smoothies or tea.

For those looking to boost their gut health and digestion, moringa might be something worth trying out!

Moringa Recipes

#1: Moringa Tea

For those that like the taste of moringa (beware, it’s definitely an acquired taste!), moringa tea is a popular way to consume it.


  • 2 tsp moringa
  • 1 cup milk of choice (we recommend oat milk)
  • Optional: sweetener of choice (we recommend 1 tsp maple syrup)


  • Heat your milk in the microwave for 30 seconds or more, until it’s slightly too hot to drink
  • Add your moringa in and mix. A latte spinner is helpful for an even blend of the powder.
  • Add in your sweetener if you would like to and enjoy!

#2: Raspberry Banana Smoothie

Many people don’t like the taste of moringa. If that’s you, an easy way to mask its taste is by adding it to a flavorful smoothie. Raspberries are quite strong in taste, so you won’t be able to taste the moringa once you mix it in!


  • Half cup frozen raspberries
  • 1 banana in slices (frozen is preferable)
  • 1 – 1 ½ cups milk of choice (we recommend oat)
  • 2 tsp moringa powder
  • Optional: 1 scoop glutamine powder for gut barrier integrity
  • Optional: baking chocolate chips (no sugar added)

#3: Added to Yogurt Mix

Whether you like moringa’s taste or not, this recipe is a quick and easy go-to. 


  • 1 cup unsweetened yogurt of choice
  • 2 tbsp Jam of choice or pureed fruit
  • 2 tsp moringa powder
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup

Have you tried moringa? If so, how do you take it? Let us know on Instagram @igynutrition. Happy mixing!
