Are you constantly bloated, no matter what you eat? Do you experience constipation, diarrhea, or a mix of both? If so, it might be a good idea to get checked for SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Essentially, SIBO is a form of gut microbiome imbalance. If you want to learn more about SIBO, check out our other blogs about SIBO or the recap section below.

Today, we’ll be looking at SIBO’s effects on other systems of the body. A new meta-analysis study in the journal Nutrients examined SIBO’s effects on the kidneys, skin, heart, nervous system, and other body systems. Let’s jump in.

Recap: What is SIBO? 

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, occurs when too many bacteria (probiotic or harmful) inhabit the small intestine (1). 

You might be thinking – hold on. I thought we had a microbiome in our intestines! Isn’t it a good thing to have gut bugs? Yes, but the microbiome is supposed to reside in the large intestine only.

The stomach and small intestine are intended to break down and absorb specific nutrients. If too many gut bugs migrate there, they can interfere with the unique processes that occur there and cause some nasty symptoms, including:

  • Putrid gas
  • Burping or reflux
  • Bloating or extreme distention
  • Constipation, diarrhea, or both
  • Trouble focusing (“brain fog”)
  • Poor memory
  • Dysregulated or fluctuating weight

If you experience these symptoms, check out our other blogs to learn more about SIBO. Today, we’ll look at how SIBO affects other systems of the body.

SIBO and the Rest of the Body

In a study called “Show Me What You Have Inside—The Complex Interplay between SIBO and Multiple Medical Conditions—A Systematic Review,” researchers examined how SIBO impacts multiple systems of the body. 

SIBO, a disruption in microbiome composition, can cause issues with our:

  • Skin
  • Kidneys
  • Nervous system
  • Immune system
  • Endocrine (hormone) system
  • Cardiovascular system
  • And, of course, the digestive system

The study argues that the gut significantly impacts whole-body health. Let’s take a look at how SIBO seems to affect each system. 

Endocrine System: The researchers assert that abnormal gut microbiome composition can contribute to developing thyroid disorders, insulin insensitivity, and both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

Nervous System: SIBO seems to be correlated with Parkinson’s disease, autism spectrum disorders, and brain fog

Skin: SIBO is correlated with acne, rosacea, and autoimmune conditions like scleroderma. 

Nephrology (kidneys): Increased hypertension (high blood pressure), chronic kidney disease, and IgA nephropathy may all be exacerbated by small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. 

Gut Health for Whole-Body Health

The list could go on. We encourage you to check out the study to learn more – but the take-home message here is that gut health is critical to keeping the rest of your body healthy. So what should you do if you have SIBO and can’t seem to shake it?

Here at IgY Nutrition, we strongly encourage you to contact a healthcare professional who listens to you. We understand that can be difficult – we’ve heard way too many stories of IBS patients being told there’s nothing they can do about their symptoms. 

We’re here to tell you that’s not true. 

You can feel healthy again. Finding a healthcare professional who is experienced in testing and treating dysbiosis is critical. 

But if you simply can’t find one – and don’t worry, we’ve been there too – below are some concrete first steps to tackle dysbiosis on your own.

First, test your gut. Tests will show you which beneficial bacteria you lack – which you may be able to fix by taking probiotics of those strains – and which harmful bacteria are in excess.

A great way to address your harmful bacteria is to get your hands on some IgY Max. IgY Max contains antibodies targeted to kill 29 of the most common dysbiotic microbes living in the gut microbiome. 

Unlike antibiotics, antibodies can kill many of the “bad guys” while leaving beneficial microbes intact. 

As IgY Max moves through the GI tract, the antibodies kill any of the 29 harmful microbes they encounter. Removing these microbes allows beneficial microbes to reproduce and outnumber harmful ones, thereby rebalancing your microbiome and overcoming dysbiosis. 

Testing your gut, regularly consuming IgY Max, adjusting your diet, and choosing the appropriate prebiotics and probiotics for your microbiome is a great place to start. We encourage you to find a healthcare professional or to read some self-help dysbiosis materials, such as Dr. Mark Ruscio’s website or Lacey Dunn RD’s podcast.

Equipped with antibodies that clear out dysbiotic pathogens, you’ll be on a path to digestive health in no time. Tag us on Instagram at @igynutrition to let us know how your digestive health journey is going!