Which Strains of Bacteria Cause Poor Gut Health? + How to Get Rid of Them

Millions of people suffer from poor gut health, which can cause a variety of health problems. Recent studies have shown that certain strains of bacteria are the culprits behind poor gut health. 

In this blog post, we will discuss which strains of bacteria cause poor gut health and how to best get rid of them. Let’s dive in. 

Is Your IBS Really SIBO?

Are you constantly bloated, no matter what you eat? Do you experience constipation, diarrhea, or a mix of both? If so, it might be a good idea to get checked for SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

SIBO occurs when too many bacteria (probiotic or harmful) inhabit the small intestine. 

You might be thinking – hold on. I thought we had microbiomes in our intestines! Isn’t it a good thing to have gut bugs? Yes, but the microbiome is supposed to primarily reside in the large intestine (1). The bacteria associated with SIBO are normally found in the large intestine, but they can proliferate in the small intestine if the mucus barrier is damaged or if motility is impaired. 

The stomach and small intestine are intended to break down and absorb specific nutrients. If too many gut bugs migrate there, they can interfere with the unique processes that occur there and cause some nasty symptoms, including:

  • Putrid gas
  • Burping or reflux
  • Bloating or extreme distention
  • Constipation, diarrhea, or both
  • Trouble focusing (“brain fog”)
  • Poor memory
  • Dysregulated or fluctuating weight

While the condition can cause a variety of symptoms, it is most commonly associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In fact, it is estimated that SIBO is present in approximately 70% of IBS patients. 

SIBO is believed to contribute to IBS symptoms in several ways. First, the overgrowth of bacteria can lead to increased production of gas, which can cause bloating and abdominal pain. Second, the bacteria can break down food too rapidly, leading to nutrient deficiencies. Finally, the bacteria can damage the lining of the intestine, causing inflammation and further digestive discomfort. 

If you believe you might have SIBO, check out our blog on SIBO testing called “What is SIBO and Do You Have It?” Let’s talk about treatment. 

Treating SIBO

Traditional treatment for SIBO typically involves antibiotics to clear the overgrowth of bacteria. The goal is to rebalance and relocate the microbiome to the large intestine. 

Antibiotics are the first-line treatment for SIBO, but they are often ineffective. In fact, studies have shown that antibiotics only work in about 50% of SIBO cases. 

This may be due to the fact that antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, leading to an imbalance in the gut flora. In addition, the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine can make it difficult for antibiotics to reach the site of infection. As a result, other treatment options, such as probiotics or herbals, may be more effective in treating SIBO.

Probiotics and other natural therapies such as herbs may be more effective in restoring the balance of gut bacteria and treating SIBO, but there are a few caveats. They may be less risky, but some studies show that they are not much more effective than antibiotics. They are also prohibitively expensive for many patients. More research is needed to evaluate their level of efficacy. 

Many scientists argue that one of the main reasons SIBO is so difficult to treat is that it can be caused by a variety of different bacteria. Perhaps herbal treatments work well for one strain, but not another.  

There are many different strains of bacteria that are associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, aka SIBO. These include:

  • E. coli
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • Proteus mirabilis
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Salmonella enteritidis. 

Each of these strains has its own set of symptoms and challenges that can make diagnosis and treatment difficult. In addition, some strains are more resistant to antibiotics than others, making SIBO a potentially chronic condition. 

However, IgY antibodies have been proven to kill and remove several of these pathogens from consumers’ guts. 

Scientists at IgY nutrition realized that IgY antibodies could be used to address SIBO by killing well-known bad actors in gut microbiomes. So, they created IgY Max. 

IgY Max is a specifically immunized egg-based supplement containing antigen-specific antibodies that target and neutralize 29 dysbiotic pathogens commonly found in the human gut microbiome, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella, various strains of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, and other strains associated with SIBO.

In non-science speak: IgY Max is a supplement (made of only egg yolk) containing antibodies that kill off pathogens living in the gut. These pathogens could contribute to your digestive symptoms if you have them. 

Upon consumption, IgY Max antibodies exert their anti-pathogenic activity throughout the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract. They have a high pathogen-antibody affinity and inhibit bacterial adhesion, suppress colonization, and neutralize each targeted pathogen thoroughly. Neutralized pathogens are expelled from the gut through the stool (your poop!).

The product’s elimination of pathogens allows beneficial microbes to flourish, which may help to restore microbial diversity to the microbiome and rebalance it. This positive shift in microbiome composition reduces dysbiotic pathogens’ initiation of gastrointestinal damage and amplifies healthy flora’s conferral of gastrointestinal benefits.

University-led studies of IgY Max confirm this, showing that IgY Max consumers’ beneficial flora, gut barrier integrity, and inflammation levels improved significantly over eight weeks of use

Participants’ levels of inflammatory cytokines, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, helpful bacteria counts in the stool, zonulin, histamine, and diamine oxidase improved substantially. Perhaps most importantly, participants’ symptoms improved upon use. 

Consumers report a decrease in symptoms of dysbiosis following consistent consumption, including improved stool regularity and composition, decreased bloating and gas, and higher energy levels. Though unofficial, the abundance of positive Amazon reviews describing users’ alleviation of symptoms is a telling indicator of IgY Max®’s power to benefit consumers.

Have you tried IgY Max for your digestive symptoms? Let us know in the comments on Instagram @igynutrition. See you next time!