
8 12, 2022

Moringa for Gut Health


Do you often suffer from indigestion, bloating, and stomach issues? If so, you’re not alone! Digestive health concerns are increasingly common in today’s society — regardless of your age or lifestyle. Luckily, here at IgY, we talk about ways to support your digestion and feel better.  One way to do so might be consuming moringa. [...]

Moringa for Gut Health2023-10-03T11:10:11+00:00
30 11, 2022

Which Strains of Bacteria Cause Poor Gut Health? + How to Get Rid of Them


Which Strains of Bacteria Cause Poor Gut Health? + How to Get Rid of Them Millions of people suffer from poor gut health, which can cause a variety of health problems. Recent studies have shown that certain strains of bacteria are the culprits behind poor gut health.  In this blog post, we will discuss which [...]

Which Strains of Bacteria Cause Poor Gut Health? + How to Get Rid of Them2022-12-06T22:40:45+00:00
23 11, 2022

Tryptophan in Turkey: Health Benefits of your Favorite Thanksgiving Food


Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and that means one thing: turkey! This delicious bird is packed with protein and other nutrients that can benefit your health.  In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the health benefits of tryptophan in turkey. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this Thanksgiving feast – knowing [...]

Tryptophan in Turkey: Health Benefits of your Favorite Thanksgiving Food2022-12-06T22:16:29+00:00
16 11, 2022

Eating to Support Your Thyroid (The Captain of Your Metabolism)


Ask around, and you might find that people believe they are stuck with the metabolism they “have naturally.” They might feel out of energy and struggle with their weight but say, “my whole family’s that way,” or “I can’t lose weight. I have a naturally slow metabolism.” In our last blog, we met the captain [...]

Eating to Support Your Thyroid (The Captain of Your Metabolism)2022-12-06T23:01:55+00:00
6 11, 2022

Results of an IgY Antibodies Study


Microbiome-related gut issues can be tricky to treat. (Check out our last blog, “Is My Microbiome Imbalanced,” to learn more). Are antibiotics the solution? What about addressing vitamin deficiencies or trying digestive enzymes? Maybe trying a new diet is the key. Sound familiar? The list can go on and on.  All of these strategies can [...]

Results of an IgY Antibodies Study2022-11-10T21:06:59+00:00
31 10, 2022

Why Eating Chocolate Isn’t So Bad – Five Health Benefits of Chocolate


As the weather starts to cool down, we all start to crave pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters, and of course - chocolate.  Chocolate is often seen as a sinful indulgence, but it turns out that this sweet treat may actually have some health benefits. Here are five reasons why you should indulge in some chocolate [...]

Why Eating Chocolate Isn’t So Bad – Five Health Benefits of Chocolate2022-11-10T21:19:00+00:00
27 10, 2022

Nutrients that Support Your Thyroid (The Captain of Your Metabolism)


Ask around, and you might find that people believe they are stuck with the metabolism they “have naturally.” They might say, “my whole family’s that way,” or “I can’t lose weight. I have a naturally slow metabolism.” Let’s meet the captain of your metabolism - the thyroid gland - and talk about how to eat [...]

Nutrients that Support Your Thyroid (The Captain of Your Metabolism)2022-11-14T19:57:29+00:00
18 10, 2022

Using IgY Antibodies to Treat Gut Issues Part 1: What are IgY Antibodies, and How are They Made?


Microbiome-related gut issues can be tricky to treat. (Check out our last blog, “Is My Microbiome Imbalanced,” to learn more). Are antibiotics the solution? What about addressing vitamin deficiencies or trying digestive enzymes? Maybe trying a new diet is the key. Sound familiar? The list can go on and on.  All of these strategies can [...]

Using IgY Antibodies to Treat Gut Issues Part 1: What are IgY Antibodies, and How are They Made?2022-11-14T19:55:59+00:00
9 10, 2022

Fructose Malabsorption Part 2: What to Do About It


It seems like there are an infinite number of potential culprits for gut issues. “Is it something I’m eating? Is it something I’m not eating? What about a medical condition, like a parasite or SIBO? Could it be plain old IBS?”  We know that gut health journeys can be convoluted and that finding the cause [...]

Fructose Malabsorption Part 2: What to Do About It2022-11-14T20:06:50+00:00
3 10, 2022

Fructose Malabsorption: Do You Have It?


It seems like there are an infinite number of potential culprits for gut issues. “Is it something I’m eating? Is it something I’m not eating? What about a medical condition, like a parasite or SIBO? Could it be plain old IBS?”  We know that gut health journeys can be convoluted and that finding the cause [...]

Fructose Malabsorption: Do You Have It?2022-11-14T20:12:19+00:00
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